Fixed Twin Block 2.0 Qty. 1

Fixed Twin Block 2.0 Qty. 1

Product number: FTB
Unitprice: € 69,00

Fixed Twin Blocks


The Fixed Twin Block is the new kid on the block!

This is an extremely efficient fixed functional technique

Animal experiments with fixed occlusal inclined planes established the first scientific evidence of the potential of fixed functional appliances in dentofacial orthopaedics.

The removable Twin Block confirmed a similar positive response to a full time functional appliance mechanism. The fixed Twin Block is the next logical step in the evolution of fixed  functional appliances.

Fixed Twin Blocks in place

Fixed Twin Blocks are pre-formed occlusal blocks with inclined planes, designed to fit over the occlusal surfaces of the upper and lower posterior teeth.

Twin Block appliances are simple bite blocks that are designed for full-time wear. They achieve rapid functional correction of Class II malocclusion by the transmission of favourable occlusal forces to occlusal inclined planes that cover the posterior teeth. The forces of occlusion are used as the functional mechanism to correct the malocclusion.